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Virtual: Intermediate Hebrew with Dorit

Virtual NY

Ulpan is an Israeli method designed to teach you how to speak, write, and read Hebrew. $255 members / $340 nonmembers

Virtual Program: Ta’Am Israeli-Style Cooking Sessions

Virtual NY

Join our Community Shaliach, Ofek Turjeman, as he virtually introduces you to Israeli recipes, culture, and traditions! To join, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88663180036?pwd=Ni9EQkRTYkFMMGlua3g1NDdTUnlPdz09 (passcode is 3nkMin)

Virtual: Intermediate Hebrew with Dorit

Virtual NY

Ulpan is an Israeli method designed to teach you how to speak, write, and read Hebrew. $255 members / $340 nonmembers