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Sandler Family Kehilla Center


For nearly three decades, the Sandler Family Kehilla Center has reimagined independence by empowering neurodivergent children, teens, and young adults ages 5-21 years, to reach their highest potential. Our programs are designed to provide socialization, recreation, and life-skill building while promoting independence and self-esteem throughout the year.

Advanced registration is required. All programs require an assessment to ensure proper placement. All programs are divided into groups based on age to ensure quality programming. All programs are subject to run based on minimum enrollment.

Sandler Family Kehilla Center programs are funded in part by Sheldon A. Sinett BASICS Fund and OPWDD.

All programs within the Center for People with Neurodiversity require an assessment to ensure proper placement. To schedule an assessment, contact Mallory Schiff, MSW, 516.484.1545 ext. 135, mschiff@sjjcc.org.

Kid-friendly workshops where brothers and sisters of people with differing abilities can meet other siblings. These sessions offer opportunities to discuss common joys, challenges, and unique concerns.
Held on Saturdays:
February 15, March 29, April 26, and May 10
$110 members / $90 nonmembers
2:15-3:45pm (Ages 8-12) Register

In My Kid’s Shoes: Understanding the Experience of Being Different
With by Bonnie Jan., Socialization Specialist
Immerse yourself in your child’s world through interactive activities and expert insights. This workshop helps build empathy, understanding, and actionable strategies to better support neurodiverse family members and friends.
Tuesday, February 4

How to Protect Your Child Legally and Financially

With Andrew Cohen, Esq. and Mitch Weisbrot, CLU
Andrew and Mitch are fathers of children with disabilities, share their personal experiences and professional expertise. This seminar guides you through the legal and financial steps needed to safeguard your child’s assets and benefits, ensuring the best interests of your child are protected throughout their lifetime.
Tuesday, April 1

Kehilla Youth After-School for ages 5-12, and Kehilla Teen After-School for ages 13-21, provides a safe, fun, and encouraging opportunity to socialize with peers while engaging in age-appropriate enrichments such as art, science, exercise, karaoke, group games, and homework help!

Programs are held Monday-Friday 2:30pm-5:30pm at our East Hills campus. Extended hours may be available during school vacation weeks. Complimentary busing is available from the Herricks and Roslyn School District. Funding available through OPWDD

Ages: 5-12 years
Some of our weekly program’s offerings include:

  • Art: Come express yourself on paper, canvas, and any other materials we can find. You don’t have to be Picasso to have fun and create something incredible; you just need to bring your imagination.
  • Legos: Studies show that playing with Legos can stimulate multiple parts of the brain connected to fine motor skills, problem-solving, and creative thinking. Expand your mind while having a great time building whatever your imagination can conjure up.
  • Sensory: Using tactile sensory toys such as bubble poppers, Play Doh, and more, participants have an opportunity to let it all out by getting their hands right into the action. Feel free to get a little messy.

Ages: 13-21 years
Some of our weekly program’s offerings include:

  • Exercise: Join us as we get in shape and have a blast doing so. Using a variety of techniques, participants can keep their blood pumping and encourage their peers to be a strong as they can be.
  • Karaoke: Sing your heart out to your favorite songs, and feel like a rock star every day.
  • Social Skill Building: Facilitated by a social worker, participants work on a range of important skills that can empower them to make friends, communicate with each other, and learn more about their peers.

Ages: 5-12 years, 13-21 years
Make new friends while safely growing in our multi-sport program using the Doc Wayne curriculum. Reimagine mental wellness to help improve self-esteem, social skills, and overall well-being through soccer, volleyball, basketball, and swimming!


We provide the opportunity to connect with camp friends throughout the year. Our weekend programming simulates the fun had at camp in every session! Funding is available through OPWDD.

Select Saturdays

Ages: 5-12 years
Some of our weekly program offerings include:

  • Music: Do you sing? Play? Or just like to listen? If the answer is yes, then this activity is right for you. Enjoy the soothing sounds of songs you know and love, and maybe even help write some creative originals or your own.
  • Cooking: What is that in the air? It’s the smell of fun and creativity as we whip up something delicious together. Join us to learn basic culinary skills like mixing, measuring, and more.
  • Sensory: Using tactile sensory toys such as bubble poppers, Play-Doh, and more, participants have an opportunity to let it all out by getting their hands right into the action.

Ages: 13-21 years
Some of our weekly program offerings include:

  • Art: Express yourself on paper, canvas, and any other materials we can find. You don’t have to be Picasso to have fun and create something incredible you just need to bring your imagination.
  • Cooking: What is that in the air? It’s the smell of fun and creativity as we whip up something delicious together. Join us to learn basic culinary skills like mixing, measuring, and more.
  • Group Games: What’s your game of choice? Is it Scrabble? Bingo? Battleship? In our group, the answer is simply “yes.” Any game, any time, we’re here to challenge each other and ourselves.
    • And so much more!

Ages: 13-21 years
Continue the excitement of summer camp throughout the year! These adventures allow participants to learn essential life skills in real (and fun) community settings.

Ages: 13-21 years
Join us for a night of youth empowerment in collaboration with the Debra & James Buslik/ Tracy & David Levy Teen Service Center. Engage in a night of games, dinner, and making new friends.


For over 25 years, Camp Kehilla at the Henry Kaufmann Campgrounds in Wheatley Heights has been known as the best summer camp experience for campers with varying abilities. Camp Kehilla is designed to provide a typical camp experience that is flexible, accessible, and personalized by age, abilities, and interests for all campers. Every camp day is filled with exciting and adaptive activities such as swimming, sports, science, art, music, sensory, drama, and so much more. Kehilla campers will also participate in multiple special events such as a carnival, color run, an interactive circus, alongside weekly field trips! Summer culminates with the exciting week-long Kehilla Olympics. Our compassionate, creative, and knowledgeable staff encourages and
supports our campers in making lasting friendships and reaching their maximum level of independence.
Reimbursement available through Self-Direction

Amanda Foglietta, LCSW

Director of Sandler Family Kehilla Center

(516) 484-1545 x175

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Victoria Granatelli

Assistant Director of Camp Kehilla

(516) 484-1545 x148

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Mallory Schiff, MSW

Special Needs Social Worker

(516) 484-1545 x135

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How to Protect Your Child Legally and Financially

Tue, Apr 01, 2025

7:00pm - 8:00pm


Thu, May 08, 2025

6:30pm - 6:30pm


Amanda Foglietta, LCSW

Director of Sandler Family Kehilla Center

Victoria Granatelli

Assistant Director of Camp Kehilla

Mallory Schiff, MSW

Special Needs Social Worker