Sid Jacobson JCC kicks off Spotlight Speaker Series with Steve Madden
Readers Write: Small acts of kindness, big impact
Sid Jacobson JCC announces lineup for 2020-2021 author breakfast + book signing series
Sid Jacobson JCC Announces Lineup for 2020-2021 Author Breakfast + Book Signing Series
Gold Coast film fest sets 10th anniversary lineup
50 ways to have an endless summer on Long Island
Save the date for Sid Jacobson JCC’s Stronger Than Cancer 5K
NYBC Blood Drive at Sid Jacobson Jewish Community Center
Beatles, Allman tributes set for drive-in series
Drive-in series takes on tribute bands
Beatles, Allman tribute bands set for LI drive-in series
Sid Jacobson JCC announces August drive-in series featuring a movie screening and two concerts
Neighbors in the News: Great Neck
As Day Camps Open, Seeing Friends Amid Temperature Checks
JCC Prez Hands Reins to Successor
Local Photographer Raises $18,000 For Sid Jacobson JCC’s Community Needs Bank
Levy to take over from Rosenthal as president of JCC board
Letter To The Community From Legislator Arnold W. Drucker
Sid Jacobson JCC collects over 28,000 pounds of clothing for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Long Island
Long Island drive-in movie schedule for summer 2020
Gold Coast International Film Festival virtual screening of ‘Viral: Antisemitism in Four Mutations’
Zoom Panel to Discuss How to Keep Kids Healthy This Summer
LI and Queens JCCs Present Virtual Solidarity Vigil
Gold Coast Arts presents A Community Focus on Antisemitism
Sid Jacobson Center Collects Nearly A Ton of Food In Two Hours
Sid Jacobson JCC launches Essential Works and First Responders fund
7th Annual Pregnant Island Local Parenting Event
Israelfest goes virtual with live programming from around the world
Yom Hashoah Online Ceremonies and Resources
Staying Connected Through the Crisis
Food insecurity panel to be held at Temple Beth Israel
UJA Legislative Reception Honors Those Fighting Opioid Crisis
Hundreds volunteer at Sid Jacobson JCC in Honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
Sid Jacobson JCC’s 25th annual Eat. Bid. Laugh!
exploreLI COMMUNITY CALENDAR, week of Feb. 9
exploreLI weekly planner, week of Feb. 9
ONFAITH calendarwatch, week of Feb. 2
exploreLI COMMUNITY CALENDAR, week of Jan. 26
Volunteers Pack 30,000 Meals For The Hungry at MLK Day Event
East Hills residents honor MLK’s legacy with food drive
exploreLI COMMUNITY CALENDAR, week of Jan. 19
Long Islanders asked to do service for their communities on MLK Day
Celebrations, educational events mark Martin Luther King Day on Long Island
ONFAITH calendarwatch, week of Jan. 12
Martin Luther King Day Calendar of Events
Together Against Anti-Semitism: Local Leaders Unite To Condemn Hate
ONFAITH calendarwatch, week of Jan. 5