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Games Day

Sid Jacobson JCC 300 Forest Dr, East Hills, NY, United States

Come play cards, bridge, Mah Jongg, and other games with your pals. Interested in joining a game, reach out and we will try to match you with other players.

Outdoor Program: Beginner Mah Jongg

Sid Jacobson JCC 300 Forest Dr, East Hills, NY, United States

Join instructor Judy Umansky to learn how to play this popular game. Class is taught outdoors under a tent with social distancing. Advance registration is required. $105 members / $145 […]

Virtual Program: Seniorcize with Natalie

Virtual NY

Workout virtually with Natalie on exercises that emphasize flexibility and strength with the goal of avoiding joint stress. To join, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84417924870

Virtual Program: Seniorcize with Natalie

Virtual NY

Workout virtually with Natalie on exercises that emphasize flexibility and strength with the goal of avoiding joint stress. To join, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84417924870

News Behind the News

Sid Jacobson JCC 300 Forest Dr, East Hills, NY, United States

Share your thoughts and hear from others about current events.