Sid Jacobson JCC, the only full-service JCC on Long Island’s North Shore, provides a full range of cutting-edge recreational, health, fitness, educational, cultural arts, and social services programs to East Hills and the surrounding community. Sid Jacobson JCC promotes Jewish identity and provides a comprehensive program based on Jewish values, traditions, heritage, and culture and is committed to enriching the lives of all individuals and families in its community.
Our programs are as diverse as our community. Swim. Spin. Shoot hoops. Hear inspiring speakers. Give back. Learn and grow. Step into the spotlight. Enjoy family. Prepare for college. Get support. Play games. Make lifelong friends. Fuel the mind, body, and spirit. Feel the connection. Within and beyond our walls, wherever you are from, whoever you love, however you identify, whatever makes you who you are, you are welcome here.
Sid Jacobson Jewish Community Center promotes Jewish identity. We provide a comprehensive program based on Jewish values, traditions, heritage and culture and are committed to enriching the lives of all the individuals and families in our community.
We, Sid Jacobson JCC, serve our community with quality programs and services that promote social, cultural and physical well-being. Our focus is on our community, those we touch directly and those we touch in collaboration with others, but we also value our connection with K’lal Yisrael (the broad Jewish community) and Israel. We live in a constantly changing world. Our programs and services evolve as our members and their needs evolve. We recognize that serving tomorrow well begins by reaching out today.
Show Compassion and benevolence to others.
Respect yourself and those around you.
Nourish the spirit by strengthening your sense of Jewish identity, and remain committed to Tikkun Olam.
Within and beyond our walls, wherever you are from, whoever you love, however you identify, whatever makes you who you are, you are welcomed here.
Nancy Waldbaum
Ronald P. Cohen
Gordon Crane
Jordan Karlik
Harvey Marx
Lloyd Rosenman
Rebecca Schaja
Tracy Levy
Jeff Buslik
Rita Levy
Gayle Berg
Debra Buslik*
Ofer Cohen
Barbara Cooper
Eric Donnenfeld, MD*
Marleen Donnenfeld, MD
Brett Goldberg
Richard Jacklin
David Levy*
Howard Rombom
Michael Rosenbaum*
Jodi Rosenthal*
Dara Rubenstein
Aurily Sandler
Alyssa Schimel
Phil Schwartz
Denise Silverberg
Andrea Stein
Jocelyn Wasserman
Steven A. Yadegari
Victoria Zecher
Rachel Zuckerbrot
*past president
James Buslik*
Jess Drabkin
Michael Feinsod
Erik Gershwind
Robert Gladstone
Renée Haber
Jonathon Held*
Susan Held
Steven Hess
Kathy Howard Jacobson
Mitchell Jacobson
Scott Jaffee
Dayle Katz
James Krantz
Jerome Kroll z”L
Howard Kroplick
David L. Levy
Sheree Levy
Lawrence Magid
Gerald Marsden*
Marvin Natiss*
David Nussbaum
Marjorie Pugatch
Martin Rosenman
Robert Rosenthal*
Barry Rubenstein
Andrew Sandler
Ruth Slade
Amy Smith
Howard Smith
Michael Weinberger z” L*
*past president
Sid Jacobson JCC is committed to maintaining the privacy of our members and those who participate in our programs. While the JCC collects names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses, access is restricted to those employees who maintain our database or send out interest-specific information. SJJCC does not share or sell member or participant Information.