Boys between the ages of 13-15 years (as of August 2, 2025) are invited to tryout for our 17U basketball team for the Maccabi Games, taking place at the University…
read more maccabi games, sports, teensBoys between the ages of 15-17 years (as of August 2, 2025) are invited to tryout for our 17U basketball team for the Maccabi Games, taking place at the University…
read more maccabi games, sports, teensBoys between the ages of 13-15 years (as of August 2, 2025) are invited to tryout for our 15U soccer team for the Maccabi Games, taking place at the University…
read more maccabi games, sports, teensAges: 13-18 years Join us as we set our 2025 goals and create personalized vision boards! Dinner will be served. $5 members / $10 nonmembers
read more teensAges: 9-15 years Spend your day off from school on the basketball court! Participate in skills and drills, 3-on-3, and a 3-point shootout for prizes and giveaways! $55 per child
read more sports, teens, youthEmpowering parents of high school and college students to counter antisemitism and anti-Israel animus in schools and on campus. AJC is the global advocacy organization for the Jewish people, combating…
read more center for israel, community engagement, jewish life + learning, teensBoys and girls between the ages of 9-12 years (as of April 30, 2024) are invited to tryout for our soccer teams for this spring’s Mini & Junior Maccabi Games…
read more maccabi games, sports, teens, youthBoys and girls between the ages of 13-16 years (as of July 31, 2024) are invited to tryout for our soccer teams for this summer’s Maccabi Games taking place August…
read more maccabi games, sports, teensGrades: 2-12 Enjoy a special basketball clinic featuring the players of the NCAA Division I Hofstra Pride Men’s Basketball Team! The full team will visit SJJCC to teach basketball fundamentals…
read more sports, teens, youthGrades: 6-12 Learn about everything we have coming up this year, including leadership boards, community service opportunities, and more!
read more teens
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