Sid Jacobson JCC’s 5K Raises More Than $150,000
Succession crisis at Park East Synagogue • Sunrise NYC rejects antisemitism • Broadway is back!
Survey reveals financial hardships, mental health toll of COVID among Jewish on LI
Sid Jacobson JCC Hosts Annual 5K Fundraiser
5k runs and charity walks to join in on this fall on Long Island
Calendar of Events September 8 to September 22
Henry Kaufmann Campgrounds Opens Aquatic Complex for LI Campers
Keeping Kids Engaged – Childcare and After-School Programs
Sid Jacobson JCC’s Empathy Walk unites Asian-American and Jewish teens to promote solidarity
Legislators, community groups condemn anti-Semitism
Sid Jacobson JCC announces two Israelfest drive-thru events
Legislator Joshua Lafazan Presents $20K Grant to Sid Jacobson JCC
WAY TO GO! Ryan Buslik – Student makes mask chains for charity
Way to Go! Roslyn student makes mask chains for charity
Legislator Lafazan Secures Hotel Grant For Sid Jacobson JCC
Sid Jacobson JCC’s Yellow Rose Event Raises Funds For Adult Day Programs
Lafazan secures $20K grant for Jacobson JCC
Sid Jacobson JCC launches COVID Relief Hub in partnership with UJA-Federation of New York
LI-Kick offers new drop-in play option with dodgeball, wallyball, more
Roslyn 7-year-old raises $7,500 for Sid Jacobson JCC’s Community Needs Bank by making mask chains
New York Blood Center at Sid Jacobson Jewish Community Center